Lady Pink Ravenna: the first Alstom TRAXX DC3 for Oceanogate from RAILPOOL

Lady Pink Ravenna: the first Alstom TRAXX DC3 for Oceanogate from RAILPOOL
© Contship Italia Group

Contship Italia Group, maritime terminals, intermodal and logistics group, has leased its first TRAXX DC3 locomotive from RAILPOOL.

Oceanogate, a Contship Italia Group traction company, is growing its fleet. After the first two “Lady Pink” multisystem Vectron locomotives leased from Alpha Trains (Lady Pink Melzo and Lady Pink Spezia), it has leased an Alstom TRAXX DC3 locomotive from RAILPOOL.


The latest locomotive, “Lady Pink Ravenna” (494 558), was presented on 30 May 2023. It has a last-mile module for shunting at terminals. Oceanogate connects its rail hub terminal in Melzo (Milan) terminal in northern Italy with maritime terminals both in Adriatic and Tyrrhenian seas.

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