CZ LOKO: First EffiShunter 1000 at BorsodChem, Hungary

CZ LOKO: First EffiShunter 1000 at BorsodChem, Hungary
© BorsodChem / Dalibor Palko

With the conclusion of a contract with BorsodChem, which has now taken over the four-axle EffiShunter 1000 shunting locomotive from CZ LOKO, the number of units produced in this series has reached the second 50.

It is also the first vehicle of this type to be used in Hungary.

"The EffiShunter 1000 is a very successful project that has already proven itself many times on foreign markets," says Michal Schaffer, CZ LOKO's sales manager. The new locomotive was delivered six months after the contract was signed. Delivery time, price, operating costs and safety played an important role in the tender.

With the EffiShunter 1000, the Hungarian chemical giant, which has its own internal rail service, has started the planned renewal of its locomotive fleet. It will be used on sidings at the factory site in the town of Kazincbarcika in the north-east of the country.

"We see great potential in the local market because rail transport and the associated border traffic, especially with Romania and Ukraine, has a strong position," adds Michal Schaffer.

For CZ LOKO, which has been operating in Hungary since the summer of 2017, BorsodChem is a completely new customer and the first typical user of sidings here. Czech locomotives are already used here by hauliers such as CER Cargo Holding, Magyar Vasúti Áruszállító (MVÁ) or Prvá Slovenská železničná (PSŽ).

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