SBB wants to build five intermodal terminals between Geneva and St. Gallen in the coming years

SBB wants to build five intermodal terminals between Geneva and St. Gallen in the coming years
@SBB Cargo/KEYSTONE/Gian Vaitl

Its forecasts show that up to 60% more goods could be transported by Swiss rail by 2050.

SBB wants to continue to focus on and expand freight transport in the future. According to the company, the transport of large and heavy loads is steadily declining, while the transport of small and light loads is growing. At the same time, demand and requirements for greener, CO₂-neutral, and more energy-efficient transport are increasing.

As a new solution, the company has introduced the "Suisse Cargo Logistics" solution, which envisages the expansion of train routes for freight transport in 2025 and 2035. To optimally combine rail and road transport, they, therefore, plan to add five terminals for combined transport between Geneva and St. Gallen to the transshipment network. In addition, existing rail freight facilities in the larger Swiss cities are to be further developed into five to eight urban hubs in central locations, particularly for construction logistics and waste disposal. This will relieve the cities of traffic.

Vincent Ducrot, CEO of SBB, explained: "We want to make use of rail infrastructure and land, combine rail and road and complement the existing freight transport offer. By 2050, rail will be able to transport 60% more goods and relieve the burden on road transport.

"Suisse Cargo Logistics" will be financed through existing federal financial instruments and SBB investments. The company expects to spend CHF 1 billion on terminals and urban hubs and around CHF 500 million on fleet automation by 2040.

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